Family Day System (FDS)/Homes


The Virginia Department of Education is now responsible for overseeing child care and early education programs. Information and resources related to child care licensing, the Child Care Subsidy Program, and professional development may be found at

The Code of Virginia requires licensure of any person who approves family day care homes as a member of its system and who refers children to available day care homes in that system.

The system refers children to member homes, as well as provides the operators with training, technical assistance and consultation, inspection, supervision, and monitoring. The system is also responsible for referring children to available health and social services.

The system is inspected at least twice a year by licensing inspectors. Regulations require the system to visit member homes quarterly (two visits must be unannounced) to ensure compliance with the system's policies and procedures. Licensing inspectors may make unannounced visits to member homes at any time.

A member home of a system may provide child day care for a maximum of 9 children. The operator of the home is subject to the same requirements for criminal record checks, child abuse/neglect central registry checks, and tuberculosis screenings as a licensed family day home provider.

The only licensed Family Day Home System in Virginia is operated by Infant/Toddler Family Day Care. More information about this system can be found on their website,

Regulations & Code References

New FDS Applicants

Current FDS Providers (includes forms)


Background Investigations

Documents & Procedures


License Renewal
All Other

Additional Resources

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