Four Seasons Learning Center
254 Lakeview Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(434) 975-4455
Current Inspector: Julie Kunowsky (540) 430-9256
Inspection Date: Jan. 28, 2020
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-191 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
32.1 Report by person other than physician
63.2(17) License & Registration Procedures
63.2 Facilities & Programs.
- Technical Assistance:
We discussed the requirements for children's records, injury records and background checks for new staff. The risk assessments for violations were provided.
We talked about options for documenting diaper ointment use.
Also, we talked about activity options for preschool age children waiting for lunch.
- Comments:
Thank you for your assistance during the unannounced monitoring inspection conducted from 11:05 AM to 2:50 PM. Today, there were twenty-nine children, ages infancy through five years, with six to seven staff. I viewed program activities, daily routines, staffing, supervision, interactions with children, equipment, infant care and records, behavior management, injury records, emergency supplies and drill records, posted information, lunch, menu/nutrition, diapering procedures, five records for children, five staff records, staff qualifications, staff training, indoor and outdoor areas. The teachers have planned regular group activities such as stories, music and art/crafts. Puzzles and books were enjoyed this date. The children have enjoyed regular outside opportunities, weather permitting.
Please, Continue to review the minimum standards and the subsidy vendor requirements. Let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance. 540/430-9259
- Violations:
Standard #: 22VAC40-185-140-A Description: Based on a review of five records for children, and an interview with administrative staff, the center failed to ensure that one child had a physical examination report obtained within thirty days of initial attendance. Evidence: Child 2 began attending on November 18, 2019. There were two immunization records in the file and no physical examination report. Plan of Correction: The director will request and obtain a copy of a physical examination record from the parent of child 2. Administrative staff who review and file the initial records for new children will make sure a reminder system is used to obtain physical examination records within thirty days of attendance.
Standard #: 22VAC40-185-550-M Description: Based on a review of recent minor injury records, and an interview with administrative staff, the center failed to ensure all required information was documented. Evidence: Staff interviews confirmed that when minor injuries involve parts of children's heads, the parents have been notified immediately instead of at pick-up. The reports dated December 20, 2019 and December 30, 2019 had method and time of parent notification as pick-up. Administrative staff confirmed that the parents were notified by phone on those dates. However, the times and calls were not written on the reports. Plan of Correction: The director will have the method of initial parent notification and any determined time of phone calls written on the two reports. The director will review the requirements for completing the injury records with staff. The initial time and method of parent notification of injuries will always be written.
Standard #: 22VAC40-191-60-C-2 Description: Based on a review of five records for staff, and interviews with administrative staff, the center failed to obtain a Virginia central registry finding within thirty days of employment for one staff. Evidence: Staff member 3 began employment on July 18, 2019 and the Virginia central registry clearance was dated September 4, 2019. There was not any documentation in file for the request date or that administrative staff inquired with the agency in Richmond when the request was not received within thirty days. Administrative staff indicated they would have suspended work hours until the finding was received. However, there was no documentation of any suspension. Plan of Correction: The administrative staff will make a copy of the request forms for new staff and always write the date the request was mailed to Richmond. The director or administrator will call the agency in Richmond if the background check has not been received in thirty days and all communication will be written in the staff files.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.