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Childtime Learning Center 1002
6048 Providence Road
Virginia beach, VA 23464
(757) 523-1655

Current Inspector: Rene Old (757) 404-1784

Inspection Date: Jan. 24, 2020 and Jan. 27, 2020

Complaint Related: Yes

Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-191 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect
63.2(17) License & Registration Procedures

An unannounced complaint inspection was initiated on 01/24/2020 and completed on 01/27/2020 in response to a complaint that was received in the licensing office on 01/18/2020. The complaint alleged that the facility failed to provide sufficient supervision and care to children. Additional concerns included documentation of injuries.
Based on the information gathered this complaint is found to be valid and violations have been cited in four parts of the standards which include: administration, supervision, special care provisions and emergencies and the license.
These violations are listed on the violation notice and were reviewed with the program director at the exit interview.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-130-B
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on record review and interview, the center failed to obtain documentation of additional immunizations once every 6 months, for children under the age of two years.

1. The most recent immunizations on file for child 1, age 20 months, were administered on 11/21/2018.
2. The program director confirmed that updated immunization information had not been obtained for child 1.

Plan of Correction: Management will review child files to ensure the appropriate documentation is current and this will be completed by 2/28/2020. Any family that is missing any items will be required to turn it in within one week of notification. District Manager will spot check periodically to ensure compliance.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-340-A
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on interview and record review, the center failed to ensure that when staff are supervising children, they shall always ensure their care and protection.

1. The parent of child 1 notified center administrative staff, staff 3, that her child had a medical condition that could reoccur if the child's arm and/or hand were pulled on.
a. Staff 3 stated that the parent informed her of this medical condition on or about 11/27/2019 after child 1 was found with an injury to his arm while in care on 11/27/2019.
a. This injury required outside medical attention.
2. Staff 3 stated she did not ask the parent of child 1 to provide any written documentation regarding her child's medical condition nor did she ask the parent to update enrollment forms which ask for information regarding special medical needs, conditions or special accommodations.
3. Staff 3 stated she did not provide any training to any staff, providing care to child 1, as to the nature of his medical condition and any steps to take in order to prevent an occurrence of his condition.
4. On 01/14/2020 staff 2 and staff 4 noted child 1 was crying and holding his arm at approximately 5:30 pm.
a. Staff 2, who was responsible for child 1, stated she did not know what was wrong with child 1's arm as nothing out of the ordinary had occurred while he was in her care.
b. Staff 2 did state that she had taken child 1 by the hand earlier and "he had fallen I had to pick him up under his arms."
c. Staff 2 additionally stated that she was vaguely aware that child 1 had some type of medical condition having to do with his arm however, she had not received any specific training or information about this.
c. Staff 4, who also provided care to child 1 for approximately 20 minutes on 01/14/2020' also stated that she had not received any training or information about child 1's medical condition and she was only aware of his condition from a brief conversation she had with a peer co-worker.
a. Staff 4 also stated that she had taken child 1 by the hand when she walked around with him after he had been fighting over a toy with another child.
5. The parent of child 1 had to seek medical attention for the injury to child 1's arm that was sustained while in care on the afternoon of 01/14/2020 with staff 2 and staff 4.

Plan of Correction: Management will be retrained on our accommodations packets when alerted of medical situations by 02/18/2020. All staff will be retrained on our direct supervision and security policy. Management will do periodic checks in classrooms to ensure teachers are following the supervision policy. Management will provide on the spot coaching if the policy is not being followed as well as documentation in staff files.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-550-M
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on record review and interview, the center failed to maintain a written record of children's serious and minor injuries in which entries are made the day of occurrence. The report shall contain staff and parent signature or 2 staff signatures.

1. The facility did not write up an injury report, on the date of occurrence, for an injury that was noted on 11/ 27/2019, while child 1 was in care.
a. An injury report was written on 12/04/2019 when the parent requested written documentation of the injury.
b. Staff 1 and staff 2 verified that an injury report had not been written on the date of occurrence
2. An injury report was not written on the date of occurrence for an injury that was noted on 01/14/2020, while child 1 was in care.
a. Staff 2 and staff 3 confirmed that an injury report was not written on the date of occurrence.
b. Staff 3 stated that an injury report was written on 01/15/2020 when the parent of child 1 requested written documentation of the injury.
3. The written injury report for the injury child 1 sustained on 01/14/2020 lacked a parent signature or a second staff signature as required.

Plan of Correction: All staff will be retrained on proper incident reporting by 02/21/2020. Management will follow up when they sign and inspect incident reports.

Standard #: 22VAC40-80-120-E-1
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on observation, the center failed to ensure that certain documents related to the terms of the license are required to be posted on the premises of each facility. These are:
*The most recently issued license.

1. The current license issued by the Virginia Department of Social Services was not posted.
3. The program director indicated that the license was placed inside of a notebook which was located inside of a wall mounted file tray however, the findings of the most recent inspection was not posted on the premises as required.

Plan of Correction: This was corrected and properly posted on 2/11/2020.

Standard #: 22VAC40-80-120-E-2
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on observation, the center failed to ensure that certain documents related to the terms of the license are required to be posted on the premises of each facility. These are:
*The findings of the most recent inspection of the facility.

1. The findings of the most recent inspection, conducted on 09/11/2019 were not posted.
3. The program director indicated that the inspection findings were placed inside of a notebook which was located inside of a wall mounted file tray however, the findings of the most recent inspection was not posted on the premises as required.

Plan of Correction: This was corrected and properly posted on 2/11/2020.


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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