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Kids World Learning Center
931 South Providence Road
North chesterfield, VA 23236
(804) 745-2221

Current Inspector: Jaime Harris (804) 807-3278

Inspection Date: July 17, 2024

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Programs.
8VAC20-780 Administration.
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies

An unannounced focused inspection was initiated on 7/17/2024 and completed on 7/17/24 in response to a self-report received by the licensing office on 6/24/2024 relating to procedures for emergencies and notification to The Department of injuries. This inspection included document review of policies and procedures, interviews, and observations of the playground equipment.
The information gathered during the inspection determined no violations with applicable standards or law. No violations were issued for the self -reported injury requiring outside medical treatment.

However, during the inspection, non-related to the focused inspection, a non-compliance with applicable standards or law, and violations were identified and documented on the violation notice issued to the program. Though not a part of the original self-report, violations that were not reported were found related to pools and Equipment, and are documented on the violation notice issued to the program.

Please complete the plan of correction (POC) and date to be corrected sections for each violation cited on the violation notice. Specify how the deficient practice will be or has been corrected. Submit your POC within five (5) business days from today, which will be the close of business on 7/30/2024. A POC submitted after this date will not appear on the public website.

Jaime Harris | Licensing Inspector
Office of Child Care Health and Safety
Division of Early Childhood Care and Education

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-470-F
Description: Based on observation, the center failed to ensure that wading pools shall be emptied, sanitized, and stored in a position to keep them clean and dry.

1. On 7/17/2024, three portable wading pools were identified, in which two of the wading pools were filled with water, leaves and debris. No children were present.
2. According to the center?s schedule and staff, water play takes place every Wednesday and had yet to take place for the week. Staff confirmed that the pools were used previously for play, and had not been emptied and cleaned.

Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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