Kingdom Kidz Academy LLC
4820 Finlay Street
Henrico, VA 23231
(804) 322-7100
Current Inspector: LaTasha Smith (804) 588-2362
Inspection Date: July 22, 2024
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Trainings
8VAC20-780 Physical plant
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision
8VAC20-780 Programs
8VAC20-780 Special care provisions and emergencies.
8VAC20-780 Special Services
8VAC20-820 The License
8VAC20-820 The Licensing Process
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (8VAC20-770)
20 Access to minor?s records
22.1 Early Childhood Care and Education
32.1 Report by person other than physician
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect
- Comments:
An unannounced, on-site monitoring inspection was initiated and completed on July 22, 2024. The on-site inspection began at 11:40 AM and ended at 2:00 PM. The inspector reviewed compliance in the areas listed above. There were 27 children present and 5 staff. The inspector reviewed 5 children?s records and 5 staff records on-site. This inspection a tour of the facility, interviews, observations, and document review.
Information gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standards or law, and violations are documented on the violation notice issued to the program.
If you have any questions about this inspection, please contact the licensing inspector LaTasha Smith at (804) 588-2362 or
- Violations:
Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-1 Description: Based on record review, the center failed to ensure that staff completed a sworn disclosure prior to the first day of employment.
The record for staff #2 (hire date 7/15/2024) did not have documentation of a completed sworn statement of affirmation.Plan of Correction: Completed on site.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-70 Description: Based on a review of five (5) staff records, and interview, the center did not ensure that required records were not kept for each staff person.
1. The record for staff #1 (hire date 7/8/2024) did not contain documentation of that two or more references as to character and reputation as well as competency were checked before employment or volunteering.
2. The record for staff #2 (hire date 7/15/2024) did not contain documentation that two or more references as to character and reputation as well as competency were checked before employment or volunteering.
3. The director verified that references had not been received for staff #1 and staff #2.Plan of Correction: Will be completed by 7/26/2024.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-240-B Description: Based on record review and interview, the center failed to ensure that staff shall complete orientation training in subsection C of this section prior to the staff member working alone with children and no later than seven days of the date of assuming job responsibilities.
1. The record for staff #1 (hire date 7/8/2024) and staff #5 (hire date 1/29/2024) did not
did not contain documentation of orientation.
2. The staff verified that orientation had not been completed for staff #1 and staff #5.Plan of Correction: Will be completed by 7/26/2024.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-270-A Description: (Repeat violation) Based on observation, the center did not ensure areas and equipment of the center, inside and outside, shall be maintained in a clean, safe and operable condition.
1. On the playground for the children three years and older, the wooden climbing equipment has broken slack with sharp, splintering, cracked, and deteriorating wood that pose a scratching hazard.Plan of Correction: Replacing entire playground set on 8/9/2024.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-350-B-4 Description: Based on observation and interview, the center failed to ensure the 1:10 staff-to-child ratio requirement was met for children ages 3 years old to school age.
1. In the three-year-old classroom 11 children were observed being supervised by 1 staff.
2. In the four-year-old classroom 11 children were observed being supervised by 1 staff.
3. During an interview with the director, it was acknowledged that staff-to-child ratio requirements were out of compliance.Plan of Correction: Moving forward will have enough staff.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-510-P Description: Based on a review of medication, medication was kept onsite for more than 14 days after the medication authorization had expired.
The record for child #2 (enrollment date12/1/2020) contained a medication authorization that expired on 3/2/2024.Plan of Correction: Will be completed by 7/26/2024.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.