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Creative Gardens Ashburn Village
20909 Ashburn Village Blvd
Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 336-2563

Current Inspector: Stacy Doyle (571) 835-0386

Inspection Date: Aug. 7, 2024

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration.
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training.
8VAC20-780 Physical plant.
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision.
8VAC20-780 Programs.
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies
8VAC20-780 Special Services.
8VAC20-770 Background Checks
22.1 Background Checks Code, Carbon Monoxide

Technical Assistance:
Discussed Auvi-Q training requirements

An unannounced, on-site monitoring inspection was initiated and completed on 8/07/2024. The on-site inspection began at 9:33am and ended at 1:06pm. The inspector reviewed compliance in the areas listed above. There were 81 children present and 18 staff. The inspector reviewed (9) children?s records and (10) staff records on-site on 8/07/2024. This inspection included document review, emergency drill logs, medication administration logs, authorization forms, tour of the facility and observations.

Information gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standards or law, and violations are documented on the violation notice issued to the program.

Please complete the plan of correction (POC) and date to be corrected sections for each violation cited on the violation notice. Specify how the deficient practice will be or has been corrected. Submit your POC within five (5) business days from today, which will be the close of business on 8/14/2024. A POC submitted after this date will not appear on the public website.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-40-M
Description: Based on review of the list of children's allergies, sensitivities and dietary restrictions and interview, the center did not maintain a current written list of all children's allergies, sensitivities, and dietary restrictions that was dated..
1. The center's list was not dated and had not been updated after child #6 disenrolled from the center.

Plan of Correction: Allergy list was dated and updated.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-245-A
Description: Based on review of staff training, three staff did not complete a minimum of 16 hours of training.
1. Staff #5 had 8 hours of training from 8/262022 through 8/25/2023.
2. Staff #8 had 13.5 hours of training from 6/01/2023 through 5/31/2024.
3. Staff #9 had 14 hours of training from 9/01/2022 through 8/31/2023.

Plan of Correction: Staff will receive remaining training balance next week.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-270-A
Description: Repeat Violation
Based on observation, Areas of the center inside and outside were not maintained in a
safe and operable condition.
1. the toddler playground tree structure had a large crack in it approximately 6 inches going
horizontal and approximately 6 inches going perpendicular in the shape of a 7).
2. The school age playground large structure had a large crack approximately 12 inches long on the 4th step and the rubber coating was peeling off one of the higher steps and also
was peeling on the above platform.
3. In the infant classroom, one infant soft red and tan pad had a circular hole the size of a quarter on the corner.
4. In the toddler classroom, the paint was chipping on the bottom of two doors next to each other.
5. In the 2nd toddler classroom, the paint was chipping on the blue wall in two small areas.
6. In the summer camp classroom, the rug was stained throughout the rug and frayed approximately 12 inches by 12 inches on the corner. The base boards had paint chipping around the entire classroom.

Plan of Correction: 1. Toddler tree is to be removed this weekend. 8/10/24. 8/10/24
Toddler tree is currently blocked off for safety.
2. This area is currently gated off at both ends
for no access. Have a call out to playground company 8/15/24
to see if we can get it removed. Regardless we will
remove the damaged equipment ASAP.
3. Ordered replacement piece for tan play area described. 8/15/24
4. Already in process of fixing. Paint applied to missing areas. 8/10/24
5. Paint applied to missing areas. 8/10/24
6. Rugs being replaced when classroom renovation takes place next week. 8/10/24

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-420-E-3
Description: Based on record review, four out of five children's records did not contain the parent confirmation that the required information in the child's record is up to date.
1.Child #1 (last updated 11/30/2020) , Child #2 (last updated 2/10/2023), Child #3 (last updated 2/16/2023) and Child #4 (last updated 2/10/2023) did not have an annual update in their records.

Plan of Correction: Working with families to complete required signature on updated information

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-450-A
Description: Based on observation, one infant crib was being used with a top and bottom cover.
1. One infant was observed in a crib with a bottom sheet and a blanket.

Plan of Correction: Blankets will be removed and sent home.


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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