Fort Hunt Preschool
1909 Windmill Lane
Alexandria, VA 22307
(703) 768-7584
Current Inspector: Pamela Sneed (804) 629-2691
Inspection Date: Oct. 24, 2024
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training
8VAC20-780 Physical Plant
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision
8VAC20-780 Programs
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies
8VAC20-780 Special Services
8VAC20-770 Background Checks
22.1 Early Childhood Care and Education
During the inspection, the inspector reviewed the areas listed above to include standards found out of compliance during the previous inspection. Unless otherwise noted as a violation within this inspection report, the program was in compliance with the standards reviewed.
- Technical Assistance:
1. Reviewed emergency drill requirements.
2. Effective January 1, 2025, the VDOE will begin determining compliance with Potable Water Lead Testing set by the Code of Virginia, which is legislation assed by the General Assembly in 2020. The law requires all licensed child day programs that serve preschool age children, to test potable drinking water. The law requires that programs submit their plans and test results to the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water (VDH, ODW) and the Superintendent. If the results of the testing indicate elevated lead levels , the program shall remediate, retest, and resubmit results to VDH ODW and the Superintendent. There is a alternative bottled water option that comes with additional requirements. Resources are available for providers on the "What's New" webpage on the ChildCareVA website /providers/what-s-new .
- Comments:
An unannounced, on-site monitoring inspection was conducted on 10/24/24. The on-site inspection began at 10:38am and ended at 12:35pm. The inspector reviewed compliance in the areas listed above. There were 21 children present, 5 staff and 2 parent helpers. The inspector reviewed 3 children?s records and 4 staff records while on-site, and several record related documents were submitted for review on 10/25/24. This inspection included document review, tour of the facility and interviews. Information gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standards or law, and violations are documented on the violation notice issued to the program.
Please complete the plan of correction (POC) and date to be corrected sections for each violation cited on the violation notice. Specify how the violation will be or has been corrected. Submit your POC within five (5) business days from today, which will be the close of business on 11/5/24. A POC submitted after this date will not appear on the public website.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-4 Description: A sex offender registry search shall be completed prior to employment for each staff person.
The sex offender registry was completed 56 days after employment began for Staff #4.Plan of Correction: Original registry completed before start date but was lost in computer crash. New one had to be done. *Already corrected*
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-270-A Description: Repeat violation.
Areas of the center, inside and outside, shall be maintained in a safe and operable condition.
1. 4 of 7 exterior building doors were found to be rotted, splintered, cracked, having deteriorating wood that crumbled to the touch, having holes where the sunlight could be seen through, sharp and rusted metal edges were exposed on a lower kick plate on one door, while another door was being held together with duct tape at the bottom. [
2. Staff reported that 2 of the 4 doors no longer remain securely locked due to the deteriorating conditions. When there is a change in the indoor air pressure the doors will open, and at times have been found to be unexplainably open.
3. Flaking paint was observed on the doors.
4. The areas of the doors with flaking paint, rot and unsafe conditions are at lower levels and within reach of the children.Plan of Correction: Doors part of an ongoing (11 months) lawsuit with building owner/landlord, over incomplete maintenance requests. Next court date 12/06 + trial scheduled for March 2025.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-F Description: Lockdown procedures shall be practiced at least annually.
There was no documentation of a lock-down drill in the last year.Plan of Correction: Will make sure all drills are done this school year.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.