Rubina Sadiq
22312 Lost Branch Circle
Ashburn, VA 20148
(571) 723-3975
Current Inspector: Miranda Wright (571) 596-3661
Inspection Date: Feb. 20, 2020
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-111 Administration
22VAC40-111 Personnel
22VAC40-111 Household Members
22VAC40-111 Physical Health of Caregivers and Household Members
22VAC40-111 Caregiver Training
22VAC40-111 Physical Environment and Equipment
22VAC40-111 Care of Children
22VAC40-111 Preventing the Spread of Disease
22VAC40-111 Medication Administration
22VAC40-111 Emergencies
22VAC40-111 Nutrition
22VAC40-111 Transportation
22VAC40-111 Nighttime Care
- Technical Assistance:
Two cribs not in use at this time. Please be sure that tight fitting sheets are placed on these two cribs prior to use.
If you raise the curtains on your sliding glass doors, please ensure that there are stickers or decals placed on the glass to prevent children from mistaking the door as open.
- Comments:
An unannounced monitoring inspection was conducted this date. A total of 7 children (18pts) with Provider and 1 assistant present. The children were busy playing with toys in the program area. Small groups of children were playing with the kitchen toy set, trucks and bulldozers. One infant was being held and bottle fed. Positive interaction observed between staff and children. Staff were observed singing songs, reading books and actively engaging with the children. Today's art project consisted of a construction paper craft of bugs and leaves. No medication needs at this time and 1 topical ointment on site. Morning snack of gold fish was provided. Previous violations from the last inspection were reviewed and corrective actions were verified. A total of 5 children's records and staff training were reviewed today. No new staff since the last inspection. This inspection began at approximately 9:15am and ended at 11:30am. Thank you for your cooperation today. Please email me at: with questions.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22VAC40-111-750-A Description: Based on review of topical ointments on site, one parent authorization was not found.
Evidence: Child #5 has one topical ointment. A parent authorization for this authorization was not obtained.Plan of Correction: I will have the parent sign the authorization today at pick up.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.