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Elena Maldonado
6606 Moly Drive
Falls church, VA 22046
(703) 615-3127

Current Inspector: Keesha Minor (571) 596-3660

Inspection Date: April 19, 2023

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-800 Administration
8VAC20-800 Personnel
8VAC20-800 Household Members
8VAC20-800 Physical Health of Caregivers and Household members
8VAC20-800 Caregiver Training
8VAC20-800 Physical Equipment and Environment
8VAC20-800 Care of Children
8VAC20-800 Preventing the Spread of Disease
8VAC20-800 Medication Administration
8VAC20-800 Emergencies
8VAC20-800 Nutrition
8VAC20-770 Background Checks
22.1 Background Checks Code, Carbon Monoxide

Technical Assistance:
1. Written injury reports are required when an injury of a child requires first aid, emergency medical or dental treatment.
2. Recommend all caregivers obtain CPR/First Aid training as care is provided simultaneously on multiple levels of the home and outside of the home requiring caregivers to be alone with children in each respective area.
3. It is the responsibility of the provider to ensure that all equipment used is safe and has not been recalled.

An unannounced monitoring inspection was conducted at 12:45pm. Observed 16 children + 1 child that lives in the home = 51 points with 3 caregivers. Ratios were not in compliance and the daycare was over the licensed capacity. Children were observed finishing lunch, being diapered, and taking naps. Lunch served included: chicken nuggets, broccoli, macaroni + cheese, watermelon, and milk. The daycare areas of the home were cluttered with household items and daycare supplies. Recalled equipment was found in the home today and in-use. The inspector requested the provider to send training documentation later in the day/evening, but no documents were received. Areas of non-compliance with standards and laws reviewed were found. Questions about this inspection may be directed to

5/30/23-A revised inspection report was issued.

Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-2
Description: Based on records reviewed and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that 1 of 2 caregiver records included documentation of a completed background check prior to the 1st day of employment.


1. Caregiver #2 began employment on 11/1/22, and to-date a criminal record check/fingerprinting (CRC) has not been completed.
2. When asked by the inspector, the provider said the reason for not doing background checks was because she has been waiting for a tax ID number for caregiver #2.
3. Caregiver #2 has been providing direct care to the children on a daily basis.

Plan of Correction: Require documentation on file as part of the provider's policies and procedures. Caregiver # 2 Background check was submitted and waiting for the document.

Standard #: 8VAC20-770-60-C-2
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that 1 of 2 caregiver records included documentation of a completed background check within the 1st 30-days of employment.


1. Caregiver #2 began employment on 11/1/22, and to-date a central registry search (CRS) has not been completed.
2. When asked by the inspector, the provider said the reason for not doing the background checks was because she has been waiting for a tax ID number for caregiver #2.
3. Caregiver #2 has been providing direct care to the children on a daily basis.

Plan of Correction: Require documentation on file as part of the provider's policies and procedures. Caregiver # Background check was submitted and waiting for the document. [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-730-D
Description: Based on observations made and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that a medication belonging to a household member was kept in a locked place. Evidence: The medication was observed sitting on the breakfast bar in the kitchen where children were eating lunch. When brought to the provider's attention, she told the inspector "it's okay."

Plan of Correction: I completely understand to take the safety of medications seriously, especially when there are children in the household. The medication was my daughter's and kept out of reach of children. I took corrective action and created best practice to store medications in a locked cabinet or container, out of sight and reach of children.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-830-A
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that required monthly emergency evacuation drills were completed and documented. Evidence: The last recorded evacuation drill was 11/22/22.

Plan of Correction: Monthly emergency evacuation drills completed.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-960-G
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that a bottle of infant milk was not heated in the microwave oven. Evidence: The provider warmed milk in the microwave, poured it into a bottle that was given to an assistant caregiver who gave it to a child.

Plan of Correction: I have addressed the issue by speaking to all caregivers and reminding them of the importance of following hygiene protocols and the important to ensure that milk is warmed safely and appropriately for children, and to follow recommended guidelines for feeding and caring for infants and young children.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-100-A
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that 2 of 7 children?s records did not include documentation of a physical exam within the first 30-days of attendance.


1. Child #12 ? The child began attending on 3/17/23, and to-date there was no physical exam on-file.
2. Child #16 - The child began attending on 1/18/23, and to-date there was no physical exam on-file.

Plan of Correction: I understand the importance of ensuring that it doesn't happen again in the future. It's important to document physical exams within the first 30 days of attendance to ensure the health and safety of the children in my care.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-120-B
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that 1 of 2 caregiver records included documentation of required information. Evidence: The record for Caregiver #2 did not include verification of age; job title; date of employment; name, address + phone number of an emergency contact person; documentation of at least 2 reference checks; background checks; documentation of a TB screening; and documentation of education and training.

Plan of Correction: Caregiver #1 has up-to-date background check, and all require documentation on file as part of the provider's policies and procedures.
Caregiver #2-She has up-to-date documentation. Background check was submitted on (04/20/2023) and waiting for the document.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-40-A
Description: Based on observations made and records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that the total number of children receiving care did not exceeded the maximum licensed capacity of 12 children for a period of time.


1. Today, during the inspection, a total of 16 children (plus 1 child that lives in the home that does not apply to the licensed capacity) were observed to be in care.
2. According to attendance records, the number of children in care exceeded 12 on the following recent dates: Between 3/6/23-3/10/23 there were 13 children in care on each day; on 3/30/23 there were 13 children in care; on 3/31/23 there were 14 children in care; on 4/3/23 there were 13 children in care; on 4/4/23 there were 14 children in care; on 4/5/23 there were 13 children in care; on 4/11/23 and 4/12/13 there were 15 children in care each day; on 4/13/23 and 4/14/23 there were 14 children in care each day; and on 4/17/23 and 4/18/13 there were 15 children in care.

Plan of Correction: I will follow the regulations and guidelines set by the relevant (Fairfax County) to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in my care. I will not exceed the maximum number of points allowed. Note: This Violation is listed duplicate. See #3.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-60-B
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that 3 of 7 children?s records reviewed did not include required information.


1. Child #11 ? 1 of 2 emergency contacts were documented to include name, address, and phone number; the section of the enrollment form to list allergies, intolerances to food, medication, or any other substances, and actions to take in an emergency situation was left blank.
2. Child #12 - 1 of 2 emergency contacts were documented to include name, address, and phone number; the section of the enrollment form to list allergies, intolerances to food, medication, or any other substances, and actions to take in an emergency was left blank; and the medical insurance plan number was left blank.
3. Child #16 - 1 of 2 emergency contacts were documented to include name, address, and phone number; and the medical insurance plan and number were left blank.

Plan of Correction: As a provided, I understand the Important of ensuring that all children's records contain the required information. I have taken the necessary steps to address this issue and ensure that all records are updated accordingly and filed them as part of procedures. [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-80-C
Description: Based on records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that 2 of 7 children?s records did not include documentation that the child?s proof of identity was verified by the provider.


1. The records for Child #12 + #16 did not include documentation by the provider as to the method of verification.
2. The parent(s) completing the enrollment paperwork appeared to write the identity information on the form, as the handwriting was the same.

Plan of Correction: I understand the importance of ensuring that it doesn't happen again in the future. It's important to document physical exams within the first 30 days of attendance to ensure the health and safety of the children in my care.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-170-A
Description: Based on records reviewed and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that 1 of 2 caregiver records included documentation of a TB screening prior to coming into contact with children. Evidence: The provider said caregiver #2 began working on 11/1/22, and to-date there was no TB screening on-file.

Plan of Correction: TB screening has been obtained for Assistant #1 & #2. I understand importance of ensure that all caregivers who come into contact with children have the required health screenings and clearances on file prior to beginning work. Going forward, I stablish a clear process for ensuring that all required health screenings are completed and documented before a caregiver begins work.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-200-A
Description: Based on records reviewed and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that there was documentation that an assistant caregiver received orientation training from the provider by the end of the 1st week of assuming job responsibilities.


1. There was no documentation that caregiver #2 received orientation training on job responsibilities, requirements for parental notifications, licensing standards, emergency procedures, location of emergency numbers and supplies, confidentiality, and requirement to report suspected child abuse and neglect.
2. When discussing the lack of training documentation, the provider shook her head left-right to indicate it had not been completed.

Plan of Correction: all assistant caregivers received proper orientation training from the provider within the first week of assuming job responsibilities. This training helps to ensure that the caregivers are properly equipped to provide quality care. [sic]
Additionally, caregiver # 1 has up-to-date background checks on file as part of the
provider's policies and procedures. Date of the inspection, I show the expired by mistakedue to the inspection being extremely hectic at lunch time.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-240-A
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that the backyard play area was maintained in a safe condition.


1. Today there was major construction occurring in the driveway area that included 2 backhoes, and other construction equipment. The entire driveway had been removed and the construction crew was actively working in the area during the inspection.
2. The fence gate leading to the driveway from the backyard play area was open approximately 12" with sufficient space for a child to exit the yard and enter the construction area.
3. Multiple children were observed playing in the backyard during the inspection, and on one occasion the inspector observed a child running toward the gate.

Plan of Correction: I understand that it is essential to note that regardless of the children's intention to see what was going on in the construction area, an open gate could pose a significant safety hazard. That is why the children are/were always under supervision by the caregivers. I also addressed this issue with all caregivers to ensure that the gate leading to the driveway area remains securely closed and locked

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-240-B
Description: Based on observations made and research conducted, the provider failed to ensure that no equipment, materials, or furnishings would not be used if recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC) as being hazardous.


1. There were 2 rocking bassinets being used as a sleep space for infants today.

2. Both of the rocking bassinets were recalled 4/12/19 by the USCPSC due to reports of infant fatalities.

Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-250-C
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that a toy was not hung from the sides of a crib occupied by a child over the age of 5 months old. Evidence: Child #13, who is 7 months old, was observed lying in a crib with a mobile attached and hanging over the sleep area of the crib.

Plan of Correction: I have addressed the issue by speaking to all caregivers to make sure they understand the potential risks associated with hanging a mobile over a crib and ensure that they take the necessary steps to ensure the child's safety. This includes removing the mobile from the workplace (No mobile are allowed). [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-280
Description: Based on observations made and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that potentially poisonous substances were not stored in areas accessible to children.


1. Clorox wipes were on an open shelf near the diaper changing table in the main daycare room and were within reach of children.
2. A spray bottle with a bleach + water solution was sitting on top of the trash can near the diaper changing table in the main daycare room and was within reach of children.
3. A spray bottle with a bleach + water solution was sitting on a counter behind the toilet in a bathroom used by children on the mid-level of the home. The bottle was not labeled, and the provider told the inspector it was a bleach + water solution.
4. A total of 9 laundry products were on the floor in the laundry room, to include: laundry detergent, fabric softener, scent beads, and bleach. Children were observed walking through this room and within 1?-2? of the products when entering the home from the backyard.

Plan of Correction: I took immediate action to ensure the safety of the children?s area. I moved all items containing potentially poisonous substances to a secure location, such as a locked cabinet or storage room, to prevent accidental exposure

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-320-B
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that electrical outlets accessible to children had protective safety covers.


1. 2 outlets in the foyer entryway near the children?s cubbies did not have covers.
2. 1 outlet in the bathroom on the mid-level of the home did not have a cover.
3. 1 outlet in the kitchen on the end of the breakfast bar did not have a cover.

Plan of Correction: The issue has been addressed and the electrical outlets have been covered to ensure the safety of children. It is important to take proactive measures to protect children from potential hazards and accidents. Thank you for taking action to create Corrective actions taken MMYY a safe environment for children. [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-510-C
Description: Based on observations made, it was determined that occupied cribs did not have at least 12? of space between each crib. Evidence: A total of 5 cribs located in a mid-level bedroom were within 3-4? of the next crib. Cribs were lined up side-to-side (service side to service side).

Plan of Correction: I completely understand the importance of addressing any safety concerns and ensure that the cribs are properly spaced to prevent any potential accidents or injuries. I am confused on why this was not an issue an prior inspections?

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-520-A
Description: Based on observations made and interview conducted, the provider failed to ensure that a child under the age of 12 months old was provided a crib. Evidence: There was no crib for Child #16 who was observed lying in a rocking bassinet. When asked, the provider said the child does not like napping in a crib.

Plan of Correction: As a daycare provider, I do understand that the use of a crib is safety requirement for infants under the age of 12 months. The child does not like napping in a crib. However, as daycare provided, I must see ways to make the crib more calm, soothing comfortable for the child, such as using a softer mattress or providing a favorite blanket and toy. If the child continues to cry excessively in the crib, I monitor them closely and provide appropriate comforting measures as needed. Due
to the inspection being extremely hectic at lunch time, it was an exception that we placed the child in a rocking bassinet under a supervision by a caregiver. [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-530-A
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that when children were napping in/on cribs, cots, and rest mats that each were provided with top + bottom linens. Evidence: The sleep spaces for all 17 children did not include a top cover of any kind.

Plan of Correction: As a provider, I make sure that the children are kept warm enough during sleep, especially if the environment is cool or drafty, Provider /Caregivers provide additional blankets or clothing layers to ensure that the children are comfortable and not at risk of becoming chilled during napping.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-570-A
Description: Based on observations made and records reviewed, the provider failed to ensure that each caregiver does not exceed 16 points of children. Evidence: Based on the age of each child in care today, there was a total 51 points with 3 caregivers which equates to 17 points per caregiver.

Plan of Correction: I will follow the regulations and guidelines set by the relevant (Fairfax County) to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in my care. I will not exceed the maximum number of points allowed. As of 4/20/203, I have the total points as required per (Fairfax County)

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-650-E
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to immediately notify the parents of a child that hit their head on the floor.


1. Child #2 was observed flipping a chair over backwards (the child was buckled into the chair) and hitting their head on the ceramic tiled kitchen floor.
2. The chair was flipped with force and the hit to the head was hard.
3. The 2 year-old child was observed crying and fussing afterward when put in a crib for a nap.
4. Activities and tasks continued for the duration of the inspection (more than 1 hour) and communication with the child's parent did not occur.

Plan of Correction: I understand that there was a concern regarding delayed notification to the parents of a child who hit their head on the floor. However, I want to clarify that I did information the parents about the incident on the same day it occurred. The inspector's visit coincided with my lunchtime, and I was extremely busy with other important tasks at that time. That being said, I acknowledge the importance of timely communication with parents about their child's wellbeing and safety. Going forward, I will make every effort to ensure that child parents are promptly notified of any incidents involving their child. [sic]

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-680-A
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that a caregiver washed their hands with liquid soap + running water after diapering children. Evidence: Caregiver #1 was observed changing the diapers of 4 consecutive children without washing her hands. She wore + changed gloves each time.

Plan of Correction: I have addressed the issue by speaking to Assistant #1 and reminding her of the importance of following hygiene protocols. It's also essential to reinforce the importance of washing hands with liquid soap and running water, and not solely
relying on hand sanitizers. (She stated that she used hand sanitizer) Additionally, I will monitor and ensure that all caregivers are following the proper hygiene protocols consistently to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-680-B
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that children?s hands were washed with liquid soap + warm running water after having their diaper changed. Evidence: A total of 4 children were observed having their diapers changed and afterward each child was placed in their crib or on their cot/rest mat.

Plan of Correction: I have addressed the issue by speaking to all caregivers and reminding them of the importance of following hygiene protocols. It's also essential to reinforce the importance of washing hands with liquid soap and running water, and not solely
relying on hand sanitizers. Additionally, I will monitor and ensure that all caregivers are following the proper hygiene protocols consistently to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the children

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-690-D
Description: Based on observations made, the provider failed to ensure that the diapering surface was cleaned with soap and water and then sanitized with a bleach and water solution after each diaper change. Evidence: Paper towels were placed under the bottom of each child during the diaper change then disposed of afterward. No cleaning + sanitizing of the diaper pad occurred.

Plan of Correction: As I provider, I have addressed the issue by speaking to caregivers and reminding them of the importance of following hygiene protocols. I take this matter very seriously and want to assure you that I have taken immediate steps to rectify the situation. My staff has been retrained on the proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures for our diapering surface after each use, and I have implemented a checklist to ensure that these procedures are being followed consistently. In addition, I will be conducting regular audits to ensure that our diapering surface is being cleaned and sanitized correctly, and I will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure that it does not happen again in the future. [sic]


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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