| Calendar | Search Calendar | Add Event |

  • You will be given the opportunity to enter multiple sessions to your event title (i.e. multiple locations, dates and/or times for the same event title). If it is your intention to add multiple sessions, be sure to check "Yes" next to "Add a session?" located under question 10 below.
  • All questions marked with an asterik (*) are required fields.
  • Adding a calendar event does not mean that it will show up immediately. Since it must be previewed by VDSS staff before posting, it will take approximately 5 working days.
  • To Change details of an event that has already been posted, please e-mail prisoner.reentry@dss.virginia.gov.

01. Person completing this form:
*Phone: () -

02. *Sponsored by:

03. *Event Title:

04. *Enter event Description (maximum 250 characters).

05. *Target audience (Hold down Ctrl to select multiple groups or to remove a selected group):

06. *Cost:

07. Registration Contact:
*Phone: () -
 Web Site: 

08. *Location (city):

09. Date and Time: (Note: you will be the opportunity to enter multiple times and dates if select "yes" for "Add a session?" below).
*Date: / /
*Time: :   - :  

10. Add a session (i.e. additional location, date and/or time for the same event)?


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