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Report Abuse or Neglect

Report Child Abuse/Neglect to Child Protective Services (CPS)

The Virginia Department of Social Services operates a CPS Hotline 24/7 to support local departments of social services by receiving reports of child abuse and neglect and referring them to the appropriate local department of social services. The CPS Hotline is staffed by trained Protective Services Hotline Specialists.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call your local department of social services or the Virginia Department of Social Services' 24-hour, toll-free CPS Hotline at (800) 552-7096. The CPS Hotline supports local departments by receiving reports of child abuse and neglect and referring them to the appropriate local office. The CPS Hotline is staffed by trained Protective Services Hotline Specialists.

CPS Hotline staff may provide general information and educational materials about child abuse or neglect to callers from the general public, child care providers, school educators and medical professionals on recognizing and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.

Report Adult Abuse to Adult Protective Services (APS)

To report suspected financial exploitation or other kinds of abuse to the elderly or adults with a disability, call your local department of social services or the Virginia Department of Social Services' 24-hour, toll-free APS hotline at: (888) 832-3858.

APS investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults aged 60 and over and incapacitated adults over 18 years of age and provides services when persons are found to be in need of protective services. The goal of APS is to protect a vulnerable adult's life, health, and property without a loss of liberty. When this is not possible, APS attempts to provide assistance with the least disruption of life style and with full due process, protection, and restoration of the person's liberty in the shortest possible period of time. APS seeks to achieve simultaneously and in order of importance: freedom, safety, and minimal disruption of lifestyle and least-restrictive care.

How to Report Child Abuse or Neglect

In Virginia: (804) 786-8536

Out-of-state: (800) 552-7096

Hearing-impaired: (800) 828-1120

Local Departments of Social Services

(call during business hours)

Virginia Relay enables people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, or have difficulty speaking to communicate by TTY (text telephone) or another assistive telephone device with anyone who uses a standard phone.

Adult Protective Services Hotline
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(deaf or hard-of-hearing):

(800) 828-1120, or 711
