The Division of Licensing Programs (DOLP) strives to protect the safety, health, and well-being of children and adults receiving care in non-medical day facilities and residential programs.
Assisted living facilities (ALF), adult day centers (ADC), children's residential facilities (CRF), and licensed child placing agencies (LCPA) are the main programs licensed through DOLP.
Licensing inspectors conduct inspections of children and adult programs to monitor compliance with standards, regulations, and laws. Licensing inspectors are authorized to conduct investigations if there are allegations of noncompliance with the Code of Virginia, federal regulations, and program licensing standards. State and regional licensing staff also provide training to providers, facilities, and organizations.
The DOLP Home Office is located at 5600 Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060. Licensing offices are located throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Adult Programs Regulated by the Division
Child Welfare Programs Regulated by the Division
- Child Caring Institutions (CCI)
- Children's Residential Facilities (CRF)
- Licensed Child Placing Agencies (LCPA)
- Licensed Independent Foster Homes (IFH)