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Child Support Employer Resources
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Employers, we value your patience and support. We highly encourage you to remit child support payments electronically. There are various options offered to help employers select an electronic funds transfer (EFT) method and the use of EFT has benefits for your business.

Please visit the Virginia New Hire Reporting Center or MyChildSupport to learn more. We appreciate all that you do to help our children reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It is the responsibility of the employer to notify us when an employee has been laid off, sent home without pay, or terminated. If an employee is still employed but not receiving payment such as because of a furlough, then please contact us with additional details. If a payment becomes 30 days past due, interest may apply in accordance with the child support order.

You should contact us at our customer service number to provide us with more information, such as the employee's name and date of layoff. If you were remitting payments under an income withholding order, you should complete the Notification of Employment Termination on that order and return it to us by email, at the address listed in the introduction on this page, or by mail at 5600 Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060.


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(800) 828-1120, or 711
