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Benefits - Your Responsibilities

You Must Give Correct Information

If you knowingly give false, incorrect or incomplete information in order to receive or help someone else receive benefits, you are subject to prosecution for fraud or a disqualification hearing.

You Must Cooperate

Please provide information the agency requests to determine your eligibility. If you refuse to cooperate with any review of your eligibility, including reviews by Quality Control, your benefits may be denied or stopped until you cooperate. Your signature authorizes the release to the agency of all information needed to determine eligibility. It also authorizes the release of any medical or psychological information obtained from any source to the Social Security Administration, or to the state or local agency that may review your application for financial or medical assistance.

You Must Report Required Changes

You must report all required changes within the time limits required. The following are some examples but do not include every change that you must report. If you are not sure whether to report a particular change, discuss this with your worker. You may submit changes verbally in person, by telephone, or you may use the applicable change form.

SNAP - You must report the following changes within 10 days:

  • Changes in income that cause the household's income to exceed these limits
  • Changes in the number of work hours in a week if it goes under 20 for household members who are between the ages of 18-50 if there are no children in the home

Medical Assistance - You must report the following changes within 10 days:

  • Change of address
  • Change in marital status
  • Change in the persons in the household
  • Person in home no longer disabled
  • Change in amount of income (earned and unearned)
  • Change in resources
  • Change in motor vehicles owned
  • Change in dependent care expenses
  • Change in source of income (job, benefits, etc.)

General Relief, Energy Assistance and Auxiliary Grants - You must report the following changes on the first day following the change that the agency is open:

  • Change of address
  • Change in marital status
  • Change in the persons in the household
  • Child turns 16 (General Relief only)
  • Child turns 18 (General Relief only)
  • Person in home no longer disabled
  • Change in income (earned and unearned)
  • Change in resources
  • Change in motor vehicles owned
  • Change in dependent care expenses
  • Change in employment.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - You must report the following changes within 10 days of the day they occur, but at the latest, you have until the 10th day of the following month to report the change:

  • Change of address (a new physical or mailing address)
  • Changes in income that place the monthly income of the assistance unit (composition at approval or most recent renewal) above 130 percent of the federal poverty level (see eligibility income limits).
  • That an eligible child has left the home, and
  • Changes that may affect Virginia Initiative for Education and Work (VIEW) participation including changes in the need for transportation, child care, or any other supportive services

You Must Repay Certain SNAP Benefits

If your household received more SNAP benefits than it should have received, your household may be required to repay these benefits. The following persons are responsible for this repayment: any adult member of the household at the time of overissuance, even if the person has moved out; the sponsor of an immigrant member of the household; or the authorized representative of a resident of a drug or alcohol treatment center or group living arrangement.

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(deaf or hard-of-hearing):

(800) 828-1120, or 711
