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EITC & Our Community Partners

The Virginia Department of Social Services partners with Virginia Community Action Partnership (VACAP) to support community groups and local coalitions throughout the Commonwealth as they provide free tax preparation services for low-income working individuals and families through the EITC initiative.

EITC is promoted through the Virginia CASH Campaign (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope). Collectively, the mission is to raise awareness of EITC among all eligible taxpayers and to educate workers, employees, clients, and customers of the importance of obtaining all tax credits to which they are entitled.

Grants are provided to local organizations that provide education, outreach and free income tax preparation services to citizens who may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Currently, the EITC grant program has expanded to 26 statewide coalitions and works with over 1,200 community volunteers to help Virginian's move toward self-sufficiency.

For more information about EITC, including client eligibility and required employer posters, visit our Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) page in the "Assistance" section of this site.

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