- Call 800 552-3431
- Contact your local department of social services.
Our agency has been alerted to a delay affecting the processing and mailing of notices across all benefit programs, including SNAP, TANF, Medical Assistance, EAP, PIPP and Child Care. During this time, customers may experience delays receiving their forms and notices in the mail. We are actively addressing this matter and will work closely with impacted customers.
The Virginia Energy Assistance Program (EAP) assists low-income households in meeting their immediate home energy needs. The EAP consists of four components: Fuel Assistance, Crisis Assistance, Cooling Assistance and Weatherization Assistance.
To be eligible for Fuel, Crisis or Cooling Assistance, households must have a heating or cooling expense and gross monthly income may not exceed 150 percent of the federal poverty level. Applications for fuel, crisis, and cooling assistance are accepted at the local departments of social services and can be submitted in-person, by mail (USPS), or by fax.
Types of Assistance
When to Submit an Application
- Equipment-related assistance & security deposits - November 1 through March 15
- Heating fuel & utility bills (primary heat expense) - First workday in January through March 15
Assistance Available
- Heating equipment - repair or replacement
- Heating equipment - supplemental (example: fuel tanks)
- Security deposit - primary heat expense
- Heating fuel/utility - primary heat expense
Eligibility Requirements
- There must be a heating emergency, such as:
- Lack of heat
- Imminent utility cut-off
- Inoperable or unsafe heating equipment
How to Apply
- Option 1: Screen for eligibility and/or apply online through CommonHelp
- Option 2: Call the Enterprise Customer Service Center at 855-635-4370 Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. to apply by phone.
- Option 3: Submit an application manually. Complete the appropriate application below and return it to your local department of social services:
When to Submit an Application
Applications are accepted from the second Tuesday in October until the second Friday in November. (When the second Friday in November is a holiday, the application period is extended to the next business day.)
Eligibility Requirements
The household applying must be responsible for heating costs. A complete list of eligibility requirements may be found in the EAP manual.
How to Apply
- Option 1: Screen for eligibility and/or apply online through CommonHelp
- Option 2: Call the Enterprise Customer Service Center at 855-635-4370 Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. to apply by phone.
- Option 3: Submit an application manually. Complete the appropriate application below and return it to your local department of social services:
When to Expect Eligibity Determination
Applicants should expect notification of their eligibility in late December.
When to Submit an Application
Applications are accepted June 15 through August 15.
Assistance Available
- Air conditioning unit (window) - purchase and install
- Air conditioning unit (central) - repair air conditioning unit or heat pump
- Electric bill - operate cooling equipment
- Security deposit - primary electric expense
Eligibility Requirements
- The household applying must be responsible for cooling costs
- The household must include one vulnerable individual age 60 or older, an individual living with a disability, or a child under age six
How to Apply
- Option 1: Screen for eligibility and/or apply online through CommonHelp
- Option 2: Call the Enterprise Customer Service Center at 855-635-4370 Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. to apply by phone.
- Option 3: Submit an application manually. Complete the appropriate application below and return it to your local department of social services:
Weatherization Assistance Applies to Energy efficiency & Air Filtration
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) administers this program. For details, please visit their website.
- EAP flyer (PDF)
- Complete EAP Manual (PDF)
- Energy Assistance Program Information Sheet (PDF)
- Energy Assistance Program Information Sheet (Spanish) (PDF)
Related Links
- Benefits - Appeals
- Appeal to the State Department of Social Services (ENG) (PDF)
- Appeal to the State Department of Social Services (SPA) (PDF)
- Benefit Programs Brochure (PDF)
- Civil Rights Policy & Procedures
- Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP)
- Private Utilities Market Guide
Legal Basis
- Federal Legal Base - Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109 - 58
- Federal Regulations Base - 45 CFR Part 96 Subparts A - F and H
- State Legal Base - Code of Virginia, Sections 63.2 - 217 and 63.2 - 805