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Title IV-E

This is a federal program designed to provide funding to states to ensure proper care for eligible children in foster care and to provide ongoing assistance to eligible children with special needs receiving adoption subsidies. The program is authorized under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act and it is funded by federal and state/local matching funds. Administration is handled by state and local public child welfare agencies.

It is a program under which the Commonwealth of Virginia is entitled to reimbursement for certain foster care and adoption expenses. Although there is no cap on reimbursement, it is limited to three areas and the funding formula is different for each:

  1. Maintenance (e.g. room, board and transportation to visit parents and siblings)
  2. Administration (e.g. eligibility determination and case management activities)
  3. Training (e.g. training for child welfare staff and foster and adoptive parents)

Federal Reviews


IV-E State Plans

CFSP (5-Year Plan)

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(deaf or hard-of-hearing):

(800) 828-1120, or 711
