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Candis Assisted Living
1619 Hanover Ave
Roanoke, VA 24017
(540) 343-8640

Current Inspector: Angela Marie Swink (276) 623-6575

Inspection Date: May 5, 2022

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:

Type of inspection: Monitoring
Date of inspection and time the licensing inspector and licensing administrator were on-site at the facility for each day of the inspection:
05/05/2022 10:55AM through 1:15PM
The Acknowledgement of Inspection form was signed and left at the facility for each date of the inspection.
Number of resident records reviewed: 2
Number of staff records reviewed: 1
Observations by licensing inspector: licensing inspector conducted one medication cart audit to follow-up on previous high-risk violations.
Additional Comments/Discussion: This inspection was conducted as the first of two inspections required for the facility?s current Provisional
license. Violations were followed up on from the facility?s last mandated inspection. Licensing inspector was under the supervision of the
licensing administrator.
An exit meeting will be conducted to review the inspection findings.
The evidence gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standard(s) or law, and violation(s) were documented
on the violation notice issued to the facility. The licensee has the opportunity to submit a plan of correction to indicate how the cited violation(s)
will be addressed in order to return the facility to compliance and maintain future compliance with applicable standard(s) or law.
If the licensee wishes to provide a plan of correction: (i) type the plan on a separate Word document, (ii) identify the standard violation number
being addressed, (iii) include the date the violation will be corrected, (IV) do not include any names or confidential information, and (V) return to
the licensing inspector by email within five (5) business days of the exit interview.
Compliance with all applicable regulations and law shall be maintained and any areas of noncompliance must be corrected.
Within 15 calendar days of your receipt of the inspection findings (inspection summary, violation notice, and supplemental information), you may
request a review and discussion of these findings with the inspector's immediate supervisor. To make a request for review and discussion, you
must contact the licensing supervisor at the regional licensing office that serves your geographical area.
Regardless of whether a supervisory review has been requested, the results of the inspection will be posted to the DSS public website within 5
business days of your receipt of the Inspection Summary and/ or Violation Notice.
The department's inspection findings are subject to public disclosure.
Please Note: A copy of the findings of the most recent inspection are required to be posted on the premises of the facility.
For more information about the VDSS Licensing Programs, please visit:
Should you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Stokes, Licensing Inspector at 540-589-5216 or by email at

Standard #: 22VAC40-73-380-A
Description: Based on resident record review, the facility
failed to ensure that resident personal and
social information contained all required
The ?Resident ? Personal/Social Data?
document for resident 1, admission date
04/07/2022, did not include the following
required components: responsible individual,
local department of social services, other
agency, previous mental health or intellectual
disability history and current behavioral and
social functioning problems.

Plan of Correction: Corrected on day of inspection, the
social data was properly filled in.
Facility will make sure on day of
admission all areas of social data will
be completed with manager

Standard #: 22VAC40-73-640-A
Description: Based on resident record review and document
review, the facility failed to implement their
medication management plan.
1. The facility?s medication management plan
states the following: ?Proper handling of
refused or dropped medications 1.) If
medication is refused, waste the medication
and circle initials on M.A.R.S. (medication
administration record). Also, document on the
back of the M.A.R. the reason for wasting the
medication and notification to
Administrator/Assistant Administrator, and
Physician shall follow with documentation, and
follow pharmacy policy.
2. The April and May 2022 MARs for resident 1
contained documentation that the resident
refused his prescribed Ibuprofen and
Simethicone numerous days during April 2022 and every day in May 2022
from 05/01/2022 through 05/05/2022. The
record for resident 1 did not contain
documentation that the resident?s physician
had been notified about the resident?s refusals.

Plan of Correction: Facility management will monitor to
ensure all medications that a resident
has the right to refuse, the physician
will be notified and chart documented
daily or as often as needed. The facility
will adhere to their policy and make
sure physician and chart will be
documented as often as needed.
Facility now uses QMAR system for

Standard #: 22VAC40-73-680-K
Description: Based on resident record review, the facility
failed to ensure that a PRN (as needed)
medication order included the exact dosage of
the PRN medication for a resident.
The record for resident 1 contained a
physician?s order, dated 04/13/2022, for the
following: Hydroxyzine HCL tablet take 25-
50MG by mouth every night at bedtime as
needed for insomnia.

Plan of Correction: The physician was notified on day of
inspection and corrected. Was sent to
the facility and facility pharmacy on 5-
6-22 noted in chart. Management will
monitor and check as orders are
received in facility.

This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.

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