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Learning at the Lake, LLC
16050 Mountain Road
Montpelier, VA 23192
(804) 363-9124

Current Inspector: Heather Dapper (804) 625-2304

Inspection Date: Nov. 22, 2021 and Dec. 20, 2021

Complaint Related: Yes

Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Physical plant.
8VAC20-780 Special care provisions and emergencies.
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
20 Access to minor?s records
22.1 Early Childhood Care and Education
32.1 Report by person other than physician
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect

The department received a complaint and self-report on 11/16/2021, and another complaint on 11/19/2021, regarding allegations in the areas of ratio, handwashing, forbidden action, supervision, play equipment and materials, injury reporting, and outside play. A complaint inspection was initiated on 11/22/2021 and concluded on 12/20/2021. The inspector was onsite on 11/22/2021 from 7:45am to 11:25am. The inspector toured the facility and interviewed staff. There were 10 children present with 3 staff supervising. A total of 2 staff and 2 children's records were reviewed.

The evidence gathered during the investigation supported the allegation of
non-compliance with standards or law and violations were issued.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-40-E
Complaint related: Yes
Description: Based on document reviews and interviews, the center failed to ensure compliance with their own policies and procedures that are required by the standards.
1. The center's policies and procedures regarding discipline were not followed on November 15, 2021 when Staff #1 struck child #1. 2. On December 20, 2021, the inspector reviewed the center's "Discipline" policy. The policy stated the following: Never raise a hand or any other object to a child as a form of [discipline.]

Plan of Correction: The Director has spoken with each employee individually and as a group and emphasized how important it is that we follow the policies and procedures that are written in our handbook, and I reminded each of them that this had been addressed with employee orientation and the VDOE changes dated 10/21.
Each employee was asked to sign and date the discipline policy and to initial the statement that reads ?the employee will be terminated immediately if they place their hands on a child in an improper manner.? Any new personnel will also be asked to sign and date this specific policy.
I will begin to sit in on class time daily to observe the teachers with the children and help in areas that the teacher request help. They are encouraged to take part in any staff development classes they see. We have a variety of different training sites that they can use and get credit towards their training hours for VDOE.
The teachers were also encouraged to ask for help or to call for back up just to be able to step away for a few minutes. I have also reached out to the Infant/Toddler Network for resources to help the teachers dealing with stress in the classroom.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-360-A
Complaint related: Yes
Description: Based on observation, the center did not ensure to provide a variety of daily activities for all age groups shall be age and stage appropriate and provide opportunities for teacher directed, self directed, and self chosen tasks and activities; a balance of active and quiet activities; individual and group activities; and curiosity and exploration.
1. The toddler and preschool classrooms did not have enough equipment and materials to provide variety of daily activities such as small and large motor activities, language and communication experiences, sensory experiences, art or music activities, and play acting or social living.

Plan of Correction: This has been a multi layered issue that we have been dealing with since our prior inspection of November 15, 2021.
I work closely with several representatives from various organizations that have helped me fix this issue and keep it corrected. Child Care Aware helped us with a bookfair that gave brand new books to each of the children in the daycare as well as at least two sets of new books for each classroom. (N-Preschool). They also helped us with $225 to spend from a section of a resource list where we purchased items for play acting and fine motor skills to be shared with the Toddler 1 to Preschool classes. Infant/Toddler Network has also donated several things to our classrooms to help with motor skills and development skills.
The daycare ordered musical instruments for the Toddlers and Preschool classes and a music mat for the Nursery. I also purchased a kitchen and a grocery store set to help with play acting and social living skills.
The daycare is also blessed by wonderful parents that were made aware of our needs and bought us multiple new things and shared used but like new things too. The daycare received five bags of new Mega Blocks, a ?green? toy airplane and a toddler size gymnastic climbing/slide mat to help with motor skills. We also received some super neat indestructible books for language and communication skills.
We received used/like new donations from parents and a gym that was closing their childcare area. They donated boxes of books and puzzles to help the children with language and communication skills. We were also given tractors, cars and trucks, wooden blocks, and shapes to help with motor skills. One thing the gym donated was a foam sectional mat that we are using under the new gymnastic mat as a reinforced safety surface.
We also were donated and purchased outdoor play toys and equipment for the children. We have several different types of balls, frisbees and bounce on balls. We also have ride on toys like a front-end loader, school bus and a small roller coaster. We also have several things that can be used in the warmer weather too.

There were donations made to the nursery also. They received several playmats, tummy time mats, infant kick and play mats, musical toys, books, blocks, and sensory toys. We also received a Fisher Price Jumper and a rocker seat.
Classroom supplies, arts and crafts supplies, and manipulatives must be replaced more often or on an ?as needed? basis. I asked the parents to help with some of this and gave the Toddler 1-Preschool parents a supply list. We have also had parents to donate things when they find them on sale or clearance.
The teachers plan for holidays, celebration, or month-long activities (February-Black History, March-Woman?s History) and we order supplies specifically for that. We have a great deal of arts and crafts items on hand that the teachers can use if their lesson plans require something. Each classroom also has manipulatives such as counting puzzles, dino balancing numbers, flash cards, counting bears, letter popsicles, play dough and other manipulatives.
The Director will make sure that the center and the teachers have everything needed to educate, spark the imagination and creativity of each child that enters our doors.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-410-1
Complaint related: Yes
Description: Based on interviews, the facility did not ensure the forbidden action of striking a child did not occur.
During interviews on November 22, 2021 the following was determined:
1. Staff #2 stated that child #1 was kicking toys and hitting other children. Staff #2 then observed Staff #1 ?pop? child #1 on the bottom. Child #1 then sat down, frowned and began to cry when their parent walked into the room.
2. Another witness stated that on November 15, 2021 they walked into the center at about 5:10pm. While standing in the doorway of the infant classroom they witnessed child #1 step on a toy and in response staff #1 ?smacked? child #1. Staff #1 then began to explain to the witness that child #1 had been stepping on toys all day.
3. Staff #1 stated that child #1 was told several times that day to stop hitting and kicking. The child needed constant redirection and did not change their behavior and as a result staff #1 stated, ?I popped [child #1] on the diaper.? Staff #1 stated that they ?popped? child #1 on their diaper with an open hand and not with enough force to move the child from their stance. The child pouted, whimpered and later cried when the child?s mother was in sight. Staff #1 then stated that they have popped other children on the hand or on the bottom before.

Plan of Correction: Behavioral charts will be used, as needed, to document a child?s behavior and actions. Those charts will be sent home weekly for the parent?s signature and will need to be returned and kept in the child?s file. I will observe the classroom/nursery with the specific child and gather information myself. I will contact the parents for a conference if the behavior continues and we will discuss ways we can work together to make the child successful. I will continue to monitor the behavior of the child and if it continues, escalates, or becomes dangerous to other children or to the daycare staff the child/family will be terminated from our care.
I have introduced to the employees a new discipline/reprimand/termination policy that will be placed in the employee handbook. Small infractions can and will lead to bigger ones and need to be handled as soon as they happen. The new policy will teach the employees the importance of following the handbook.
This policy will also show the employees that I am not afraid to terminate employment based on their actions. Small infractions such as being late for work will result in a verbal warning and then after 3 verbal warnings will result in a written warning. Three written warnings will result in a reprimand. Employees can also receive a reprimand for not following the employee handbook. Once a reprimand has been placed in an employees file they will be closely monitored by the Director. Depending on the reason for reprimand the employee may need to take classes to help reduce the risk of a reoccurrence. Termination of an employee will occur when a forbidden action happens in the daycare. Forbidden actions as they are defined in the CDC Standards will be followed directly and are now part of our policy manual.
I am working with several organizations to help with online, in person and virtual training for stress management and relaxation in times of stress. Teachers also need to be redirected and know when to redirect themselves. They also need to be able to recognize when they need to step away from the situation just for a few minutes. The training will give each one of us the ?clues? we need to recognize in ourselves when we need a break.
I will encourage my employees to download on their phones several apps that will help with just a few seconds of simple meditation, breathing activities and sounds that will help clear their mind from the current situation. I will also be available to relieve any teacher at any time needed.
I have spoken with Staff #1 in detail about the situation on 11/16/2021. I have explained to her that under NO circumstances in the future that this action be tolerated and had I been in the room that afternoon the situation would not have happened. Staff #1 received a written reprimand, lost one week?s pay and will take online training classes on classroom management and stress relief. I also advised both Staff #1 and #2 that one of they should have come and gotten me and let me handle the situation since he was harming other children. Staff #2 stated ?he had calmed down but then got bad again?.
Staff #1 was advised that she should have left the room before the stress took over, there was enough coverage with Staff #2 to have walked away for a few minutes. Staff #1 and Staff #2 understand that the actions of Staff #1 were wrong and should have been handled differently and with training and continued stress management this will be avoided in the future.
Our entire staff will receive continued training on how to deal with children that are a discipline issues, redirection of a child, calming techniques for both children and adults and how to recognize that we as teacher are close to our breaking point and how to walk away and ask for help.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-P
Complaint related: Yes
Description: Based on record review and interviews, the center did not ensure to maintain a written record of children's serious and minor injuries in which entries are made the day of occurrence.
1. Staff #2 stated the following: a. Child #2 recently bumped their head on a bookcase and as a result of the accident the child had a scratch on their head. b. The parent of child #2 was notified but the center did not complete any documentation.
2. The record of child #2 did not contain documentation of the injury described above.
3. The center representative stated that the center did not complete an injury report for child #2 when he bumped his head.

Plan of Correction: The Director will maintain accurate injury/accident reports on all injury/accidents that happen during daycare hours of operation.
I have completed a report for Child #2 with the help of Employee #2 and placed it in Child #2?s file. The parent was notified on the day of the incident, but the report was not done until 11/23/2021. The parent has received a copy of the report.
I have also talked in detail with Employee #2 about injury/accident prevention and discussed the centers policy on avoiding injuries both in and outside of the daycare building. We have taken steps to place the activities area away from objects that a child could get injured.
I also went over with all the employees the policy for injury prevention and the importance for keeping our children safe. Also, the importance of documentation of an injury/accident so that the Director can contact the parents or guardian. The employees were asked to sign that they had read and understood the policy. This policy is also part of the NEW employee orientation that was effective 10/21. I will keep an injury/accident log and go over it at the end of each year to see the areas where we need to improve in prevention.
All injuries and/or accidents will be documented no matter whether big or small on the day that they occur and will be reported to the parents by the VDOE model form updated 10/21.


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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