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Maniya Ashraf
511 N. Armistead Street
Apt #102
Alexandria, VA 22312
(571) 335-4301

Current Inspector: Mahrukh Aziz (571) 835-4718

Inspection Date: Dec. 18, 2019

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
63.2 Licensure and Registration Procedures
22VAC40-665 Subsidy Program Vendor Requirements for Family Day Homes
22VAC40-665 General qualifications
22VAC40-665 Building or home maintenance.
22VAC40-665 Supervision and ratio requirements
22VAC40-665 Programs
22VAC40-665 Special Care Provisions & Emergencies
22VAC40-665 Special Services

Technical Assistance:
1. Discussed requirements for fingerprints, as required by the subsidy program.
2. Reviewed reasons for vendor not having access to subsidy payment swipe cards, and PIN numbers.
3. Annual 3 hour subsidy training given to vendor.
4. Forms provided: attendance.

2:05-4:20pm Annual unannounced subsidy inspection conducted. Observed 2 children + 1 child that lives in the home = 7 points with the vendor today. An adult living in the home arrived at the beginning of the inspection. Children were playing with toys during the inspection. The vendor was promptly tending to the needs of one child that was sick.There was a sufficient amount of age appropriate toys and equipment for the children. The vendor is currently certified in First Aid, CPR, and MAT (medication administration). The vendor is participating in the Early Head Start program, and has a Level 1 quality rating. Areas of non-compliance found.

Standard #: 22VAC40-665-150-A
Description: Based on observations made, it was determined that the vendor has not ensured compliance with the terms of the vendor agreement. Evidence: (1) The subsidy payment card for Child #2 was observed in the home today. [Photos taken.] (2) The vendor was observed swiping the payment card and entering the PIN number when the child left care today at approximately 3:36pm. (3) The vendor has access to the payment card and knowledge of the PIN number.

Plan of Correction: The card was given to the parent at dismissal time today.

Standard #: 22VAC40-665-240-D
Description: Based on observations made, it was determined that a sharp object was accessible to children. Evidence: A shaving razor was found on the back of the toilet in the bathroom used by children.

Plan of Correction: The vendor will store out of reach of children.

Standard #: 22VAC40-665-250-A
Description: Based on observations made, it was determined that potentially poisonous substances were accessible to children. Evidence: Air freshener gel bead products were found on the back of the toilet in the bathroom used by children. The products were labeled "Keep out of reach of children."

Plan of Correction: The products were moved out of reach during the inspection. The vendor said she will put a shelf over the toilet to store these items out of reach of children.

Standard #: 22VAC40-665-260-A-3
Description: Based on observations made, it was determined that the hot water temperature exceeded 120 degrees. Evidence: The temperature was measured to be 124.4 degrees today.

Plan of Correction: The vendor is aware that the water is too hot and will assist children when washing hands to be sure the cold water is turned on. She is unable to control the water temperature in the apartment.

Standard #: 22VAC40-665-370-E-3
Description: Based on interview conducted, it was determined that the diaper changing pad has not been cleaned with soap + water and then sanitized with bleach + water after each use. Evidence: The vendor said she has been using the bleach + water solution at the end of the day, not after each use.

Plan of Correction: The vendor said she will clean + sanitize the diaper pad after each use.

Standard #: 63.2-1721.1-B-2
Description: Based on interviews conducted, it was determined that the vendor and adult household members do not have current national criminal record checks (CRC). Evidence: (1) The previous CRC's were completed in 2016-2017, and were not national. (2) The previous checks were not completed through Fieldprint, the State approved contractor. (3) The local agency confirmed that the vendor and adult household members have not completed fingerprinting through Fieldprint. (4) The vendor, Adult #1, and Adult #2 do not have compliant CRC's.

Plan of Correction: The vendor will obtain the Fieldprint code, and complete fingerprinting in the next 10-days. the results will be sent to the inspector by 12/28/19


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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