Little Beginnings Child Development Center
606 N. Irving Street
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 527-9270
Current Inspector: Mark Davis (804) 629-7103
Inspection Date: April 12, 2023 and April 17, 2023
Complaint Related: Yes
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (8VAC20-770)
- Comments:
The Licensing Inspector conducted an unannounced complaint inspection in response to a complaint that was received by the licensing office on 4/2/2023 and 4/13/2023. Interviews were conducted with staff relating to the allegations of not notifying parents of a child's head injury and not documenting the injury, not providing certificates to staff for trainings, hard toys not being washed, and classroom set up preventing sight and sound supervision. The information gathered during this investigation supports one of the allegations, so the complaint is determined to be partially valid. If you have any questions you may contact me at or 804-629-7103.
- Violations:
Standard #: 8VAC20-770-60-C-2 Complaint related: No Description: Based on file review, and confirmed by acting director, there was no documentation that a search of central registry had been completed for all staff members who supervise one or more children.
Evidence: There was no record of a central registry search for staff #1 or staff #5.Plan of Correction: Center will submit central registry checks for staff #1 and staff #5.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-80-B-2 Complaint related: Yes Description: Based on discussion with acting director, the center did not inform the department's representative within 2 business days of an injury to a child that occurred while the child was under the supervision of the center and required outside medical attention.
Evidence: The center did not notify the department's representative when child #1 was injured 3/21/2023 under the supervision of the center and required outside medical attention.Plan of Correction: Center will inform their Inspector if a child requires medical attention after sustaining an injury while under the supervision of the center.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-240-B Complaint related: No Description: Based on file review and confirmed by the acting director, the center did not ensure that staff completed orientation training in subsection C of this section prior to the staff member working alone with children and no later than seven days of the date of assuming job responsibilities.
Evidence: There was no record of Staff #1 completing orientation training. Staff #1 was hired 7/19/2022.Plan of Correction: Center will ensure that staff #1 completes orientation training and maintains record in their file.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-N Complaint related: No Description: Based on interviews with staff, and confirmed by the acting director, the center did not notify the parent immediately when a child sustained a serious injury.
Evidence: The center did not notify the parent immediately when child #1 sustained a serious injury.Plan of Correction: Center will retrain staff on when parents need to be informed when injured.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.